Hey there, I'm Sally the sheep
I have wool on my back to keep me warm.
I live in the fields and love eating green, green grass.
The wool on my back is the same sort of wool that can be used in your jumpers, and can help keep you warm just like me.
There are over 1 billion sheep on earth. Take a walk around the country and see how many you can find.

Hey there, I'm Dingo the dog.
I am a farm yard dog. I like to keep a guard of the farm and all the animals.
There are hundreds of different breeds of dog and dogs make great pets.
I have excellent hearing and can hear sounds that are much quieter than humans can hear.

Hey there, I'm Peter the pig.
I live in a field. I spend most of my time in the mud, I love it there.
My snout is very important to me, it helps me find food and sense the world around me.
Some people like to keep pigs as pets, but we can be very messy animals.

Hey there, I'm Connie the cat.
I am a farm yard cat, i live on the farm. I like to explore the farm and visit all the different animals.
Cats are one of the most common animals people keep as a pet, they love to sleep and can sleep for 13-14 hours everyday.
Cats have flexible bones and teeth, this helps them to hunt smaller animals like mice or rats.

Hey there, I'm Gordon the goat.
I love to eat grass, I enjoy the company of my goat friends, I don't like being on my own, I get lonely.
Typically goats are found in the mountains but some goats can also be kept as a pet.
Goats have four stomachs, this helps them digest the grass that they eat.

Hey there, I'm Chelsea the chicken.
I live in a chicken coop, this keeps me safe from the foxes that try to eat me.
I can lay eggs which people can eat, but I can also lay eggs that have little baby chicks inside.
Although a chicken is a type of bird and chickens have wings, they cannot fly.

Hey there, I'm Lotty the llama.
I am one of the tallest animals on the farm, I can grow to be as tall as 6 foot, this is about as tall as the average man.
I look like im covered in hair, but I am actually covered in wool. My wool can be used to make jumpers or blankets.
I can sometimes be naughty and spit on people. I do this to protect myself when I feel like I could be in danger.

Hey there, I'm Rebecca the Rabbit.
I am one of the smallest animals on the farm.
I like to spend my day hopping around the farm, visiting all my different farmyard friends.
Rabbits have long ears, my ears can grow up to 10cm in length. They are also born without fur on their bodies.

Hey there, I'm Benny the Bull.
I look like a cow but I have horns and a ring in my nose.
I live in the fields and love eating green, green grass.
I provide people with milk, this milk is then used to make cheese, yogurt and other dairy products.
I can pick and lick my nose using my tongue. Can you?

Hey there, I'm Henry the horse.
Check out my mane, I think it looks pretty fancy.
I usually live in the stable, and i love eating hay.
Horses come in many shapes, sizes and colour.
Ponies are the smallest because they are babies.
Then the mares - these are female horses.
And the biggest is the stallions - these are the male horses.
Horses like me love to sleep, we can sleep almost anywhere. I can sleep standing up or lying down.

Hey there, I'm Polly the peacock.
Have you seen all the pretty feathers on my back?
I like to walk around the farm exploring and finding my farmyard friends.
There are different types of peacocks. Males are peacocks, the females are peahens and the babies are peachicks. The collective term is actually peafowls.
Peacocks can fly dispite the length of their feathers on their back.

Hey there, I'm Donna the duck.
I spend most of my time swimming aroud the pond, but I also like to walk about and visit my farmyard friends.
I love going diving into the pond to look for food, I can stay under water longer because of how much I weigh.
Ducks are very curious animals and love to go exploring and discovering. Ducks can be kept as pets but are most commonly seen on the farm.
Many ducks live in ponds, if you see a duck be sure to feed it, a ducks favourite food is bread.